Christmas Night Santa LWP

Christmas Night Santa LWP

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Christmas Night Santa LWP 介绍

Christmas Night Santa LWP

Christmas Night Santa LWP interactive implementation latest solution. Fully free edition.
Application was enriched according to users’ recommendations. Christmas Night Santa LWP interactive principles added.
Application with thematic elements - Candles and Gifts, Stars in general animated scenario.
Animated wallpapers are cool wallpapers with realistic animation.
The perfect design solution.
Background is carefully picked in and adapted for that scenario.
A background may be changed in the relevant section of settings - try any scenario.
Move background with your finger - it can be softly vertically dragged on the main screen.
Trajectories of additional animations will change if interactively press on the screen.
Filling a workspace with additional animations is also controlled on the application setting menu.
Christmas Night Santa LWP application provides for disabling of additional screen saver.
Application has accompanying sounds - sounds are enabled by touching a centre of the screen.
In the settings you can disable accompanying sounds or control their volume.
1. Upload interactive wallpaper on your device.
2. On your device setting menu find icon Christmas Night Santa LWP and launch.
Christmas Night Santa LWP - our latest solution in the category of alive wallpapers.
Christmas Night Santa LWP interactive wallpaper supports using in a horizontal (landscape) layout.
We will be glad to consider all your critical feedback concerning improving quality of our developments.
By this publication, Christmas Night Santa LWP animated wallpaper was tested on all major models of leading devices.

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