One Man Army Gunner

One Man Army Gunner

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One Man Army Gunner 介绍

One Man Army Gunner

Your modern army set up an ambush to inflict maximum casualties on the enemy mechanized brigade forces which are passing through dangerous terrain. As a One Man Army Gunner, you will be equipped with state of the art modern bazooka and high powered guns. Can you survive the modern gunner assault on the battlefield of the enemy?The enemy forces have dispatched a mechanized brigade to attack our army installations with full force. Support your base by deflecting the strong attacks of the enemy by targeting their mechanized brigade and blow up their tanks and mobile forces. You are a One man Army Gunner so take that rocket Launcher and show them who is boss!Be ready to engage in action packed battles by being the best gunner! Experience beautiful 3d environments. With simple controls, target the enemies and blow them to smithereens! Enjoy realistic war games in the comfort of your home!Features:- Realistic FPS (First Person Shooter) scenario- Ambush the enemy forces in spectacular fashion- Realistic enemy forces with helicopters and tanks- Well built storyline- Efficient weapon controls & movement- Excellent environment- Fabulous sound effects- Easy GUI and controls- First person shootingHow to Play:- Touch & drag anywhere on the screen aim your shooting weapon- Tap the fire button on the right side of the to shoot and start your assault- Use the scope button to aim closer- The shooting weapon has unlimited ammunition but time to respond is crucial

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Galassia Studios

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