Drive Army Check Post Truck

Drive Army Check Post Truck

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Drive Army Check Post Truck 介绍

Drive Army Check Post Truck

Get ready for an adventurous free driving game. Journey begun from an army base camp. You are a driver of a military and being a military driver your duty is to drive an army 4x4 truck throughout a mountain and drop army commando to their check post. Challenging drive, limited time and mountain are the key task for a military driver. So show your professional driving skills and transport solders from small base camp to main army check post. Solders are ready for a battlefield. They have enough time to reach a check post so your duty is to drive a real monster 4x4 truck and help commando to fulfill their mission and drop them to check post from base camp. An adventurous drive start when you start engine of big 4x4 truck. Tap speed and get ready for a thrill of drive around a mountain.Drive throughout mountain has never been easy. Being a military driver you have to put your driving skills into a shoe of skilled driver and prepare yourself for a dangerous ride with a variety of cars to drive. So drive more and more and unlock your desire 4x4 truck to transport army soldiers from base camp to army check post. Army check post truck gives you a real feel of an off road drive and help you to simulate your off road driving experience. So drive an army check post and get ready for a real simulation of an off road drive. Drive army check post truck is a free game specially available for a cargo truck game lovers or parking games. You have to drive an army truck and transport solders at given location like a real parking game. So drive your 4x4 truck and complete all missions in a limited time.Drive Army Check post Truck FeatureReal simulation of an army truck drive.variety of 4x4 heavy duty truck.An off road Challenging drive.Skilled army driver to transport solders.Clock is ticking with a limited time.Experience a sim of mountain drive.Challenging drive and loads of missions.Smooth game play with fun drive.Stunning sound effects and HD graphics.A free android game also available for android TV.

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  • la28 2019-05-14

    在此刘明 ^o^

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