Glixel - Glitter and Pixel Effects Photo Editor

Glixel - Glitter and Pixel Effects Photo Editor

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Glixel - Glitter and Pixel Effects Photo Editor 介绍

Glixel - Glitter and Pixel Effects Photo Editor

Glixel Photo Effects is a unique combination of Glitter Photo Effects and Pixel Photo Effects which allows you to create extra-ordinary Glixel Effect Pictures in no time.Create wonderful pixel dispersion effect pictures OR Create sparkling glitter effect pictures and share them on social media directly from the app.Glixel uses Free Hand (Finger Draw) feature to create sparkling glitter effect pictures and pixel dispersion effect pictures.Features: Select picture from your gallery or capture new one from camera Hand draw effects on your picture from multiple glitter dust effect patterns Choose your Pixel Effect Shapes Hand draw to create pixel effects All direction particle dispersion effect. Auto particle dispersion tool for any photo using Standard Templates Easy to change Pixel colors. Apply amazing photo effects Add decorative stickers Add your personalized text Save your art in your phone gallery. Show off your pics easily on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media.Create shimmering effects on your pictures by hand drawing glitter and pixel effects. Try Now!!

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