Snake Blitz io - Slither Game

Snake Blitz io - Slither Game

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Snake Blitz io - Slither Game 介绍

Snake Blitz io - Slither Game

Snake is simulated like classic game were very familiar to everyone.But with new features allowing all over world players to play online multiplayer together or you can play against A.I (offline) makes particularly attractive for video game and fun!A single mistake is enough to make a giant turn into nothing and lead to game over, even against the smallest player, granting this latter a chance of becoming stronger and faster without effort. Slither snake io off is an addictive new mobile game that combines the classic game of Crawl Worms with elements. Controlling your insatiable in Slither snake off is simple, as your Worms is entirely controlled using the joystick button.Eat and survive long enough to become the biggest worm in the universe!Eat luminous dots or dying opponents and become the biggest slither in the universe!Play against other people! and be the longest player or the longest big snake wwe.★ Strategic Best online slither multiplayer game ever.★ Dont touch worms body.★ You can play without internet connection.★ Controls with Joystick.★ Various skins.★ No Lag!★ FREE to play.★ To be the biggest snakes.Download NOW! Share and Enjoy to Playing multiplayer game

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* Minor Bugs Fixed.

* Improved Game Performance.

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  • 幽兰黛尔 2020-02-09


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