Liar! Uncover the Truth

Liar! Uncover the Truth

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Liar! Uncover the Truth 介绍

Liar! Uncover the Truth

A brand-new kind of game! A puzzle-based romance app!■StoryLies, truths, and misunderstandings...Which of these men can you trust?------------------"Have you been cheating on me?!"A breakup with your cheating boyfriend leads you......straight into the arms of ten gorgeous men?!But beware! Nine of these ten guys are no-good liars!Just you watch. I'll find Mr. Right.These liars don't stand a chance!■A heart-pounding, mystery-solving romance app!"Liar! Uncover the Truth" is a free-to-play novel-type romance app featuring exciting puzzle-based gameplay.Using the five free Tickets provided each day, tap the screen to advance the story and find Mr. Right!--------------STEP 1: The Investigation PortionCollect evidence of his lying ways as you advance through the story.STEP 2: Accusation PortionAccuse him with the evidence you've collected...And call that liar out!!--------------Your decisions in the Accusation Portion determine your ending!Do you have what it takes to bust all nine of those no-good liars and discover the man of your dreams?! ■Character IntroductionYour ten unique and colorful men! But who are the "liars"?!◇Steadfast & Cool  Sotaro Shiga"You're the girl I've been looking for... Be my wife."◇Smooth Talking & High Flying  Kunio Muroi"Let me hear you say it. Tell me you want me."◇Capable & Sexy  Keima Katagiri"Would you hate me... if I told you I've loved you all along?"◇Intellectual Tiger Haruichi Mamiya"I refuse to give up. I'll wait for you forever if I have to."◇Skillful in Soccer & Love Shuto Matsuki"I may be famous, but you're the only one who knows the real me."◇Cute & Mischievous Azusa Kurono"Naughty girl, making me feel this way... Time to pay the piper."◇Friendly Gentleman Itaru Yuikawa"I've never looked at anyone else the way I look at you."◇Creative Genius Joe Yazawa"It was love at first sight. You're my muse, darling."◇Sophisticated & Broadminded Kazumi Kagami"I'm not interested in just having fun. I want the real thing."◇Supportive & Sweet Toya Kashi"Could you ever love me... for me?"■Game ExplanationThe exciting new edition to Voltage Inc.'s ever-growing Romance App series!・Free to download・Free to playAn easy to play, puzzle-based romance novel app!Become the heroine in our Romance App series and discover your perfect love story with your favorite man!■How to PlayAdvancing through the game is simple! 1. Load the app and press "START."2. Collect evidence of these guys' lying ways as you advance through the story.3. Call out the liar using the evidence you collected! Unlock multiple endings depending on your score!4. Crush those nine liars in your pursuit of a happy ending...!5. But wait, you can even romance these liars?! Fall in love with your favorite guy in the Lovers Routes, coming soon!■Important InformationPlease be aware of the following while playing "Liar! Uncover the Truth" ・This game needs an online connection to run. Make sure your internet connection is stable before playing this game. (There's a chance data may be lost if not properly connected.) ・Uninstalling the app will cause all purchased items and all play data to be erased. ・We cannot refund any in-app purchases.・For more details, please refer to our Terms of Use which can be found within the app.■ Questions about the app and/or bug reportingTo report an issue within the app or to ask us a question, please contact [email protected]/* */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* */ Please be aware that we cannot respond to comments made in the review column on the app page.-------------------------- 【Recommended OS】Android 4.0~※Updating to the newest OS will allow this app to run more smoothly.【Not Compatible With】GALAXY S II SC-02C, MOTOROLA RAZR™ M 201M, Nexus 7, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2,Samsung Galaxy Trend Plus

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Liar! Uncover the Truth 类似游戏

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羞涩 女性向合集 [停止更新]
羞涩 女性向合集 [停止更新]

羞涩 女性向合集 [停止更新]


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中二病 青年_


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用户对 Liar! Uncover the Truth 的评论

  • 2017-08-18


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Liar! Uncover the Truth 信息







Voltage, Inc.

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