Find My Phone - Device Manager

Find My Phone - Device Manager

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Find My Phone - Device Manager 介绍

Find My Phone - Device Manager

"Find My Phone" is a special use case of TrackView. It can be used to find my phone and for antitheft. Its main features include activity detection, real-time location tracking, audio-video monitoring, remote recording and buzz. The Windows PC version is available for free download at: TrackView can be considered a Android Device Manager with Audio and video surveillance function.
Here is how it works:
(1) Install "Find My Phone" on your phone or tablets;
(2) Login this app using your gmail account;
(3) Put the app in the background.
After that you can use your phone however you like and your phone is protected for antitheft. In case your phone is lost or stolen, you can go to another TrackView Installed device (Windows PC, Smartphone, tablet etc), and login TrackView using the same gmail account as your lost or stolen phone. Instantly, you will know whether your phone is online or not. You can also receive alert messages from the lost phone if someone is using your phone. You can also track your lost phone's location in real-time or audio and video monitor its surroundings. You can even do remote audio and video recording as a evidence as to who has your phone. This is a very powerful tool to find my phone and for anti theft.
Some times, you may misplaced your phone somewhere with the phone in silent mode, then you can use location tracking to find its location, then use the "buzz" feature to ring the phone. The misplaced phone will ring even it's in silent mode. This will help find my phone quickly.
You can also use TrackView installed phone for other usage scenarios such as: home security, track your car, protect your family members, antitheft, video surveillance, baby monitoring , nanny and pets monitoring etc...
Main Features:
1. GPS Location tracking in real-time
2. Video and audio monitoring the surroundings of the phone
3. Event detection and instant alert to your mobile devices
4. Remote recording of event of interests as it happens
5. Two-way audio
6. Remote buzz that rings a missing device, even if it’s in silent mode
7. App works in background and sleep mode that conserves your battery
8. High reliability and excellent video quality at low bandwidth that saves you money
9. Super easy to install and one click connection from anywhere in the world
10. Remote control of Front and Rear camera switch
11. Integration with Google Gmail account
12. Secured access: You are the only one who can access your connected devices.
13. Always on: devices are accessible even in sleep mode.
14. Multi-network support: TrackView supports all types of networks: wifi, 2G, 3G, 4G etc.
15. Automatic network switch: When the network switches, TrackView will auto switch to the network available.
16. Real-time and low latency: to ensure you get updates on events immediately and watch video in real time.
17. Universal accessibility: Access any of your devices from anywhere in the world.
and much more!
E-mail: If you have any issues or suggestions, we'd love to hearing from you.

来自应用汇: Find My Phone - Device Manager //

Find My Phone - Device Manager 版本更新

1. Added support for motion only and sound only detection.
2. Added private mode
3. Bug fixes

用户对 Find My Phone - Device Manager 的评论

  • 雯雯_1607 2017-12-07

    聊得开心吗 你们两个真心相爱为什么不要在一起

查看 Find My Phone - Device Manager 的全部1条评论


Find My Phone - Device Manager 信息








  • 获取精确位置
  • 获取网络状态
  • 获取WiFi状态
  • 拍照权限
  • 改变WiFi状态
  • 使用闪光灯
  • 访问网络
  • 修改声音设置
  • 读取电话状态
  • 开机自动允许
  • 录音
  • 显示系统窗口
  • 使用振动
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 写入外部存储
  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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