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WalkMate helps you keep your good health by counting your steps every day and also providing extra information of your walks, such as the walked distance and calories burned. WalkMate can be used in any situation, be it a walk outside in the park or inside on the treadmill. You can follow up your progression by checking your walk history and show it to your friends in social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter! WalkMate can also be used for your workouts! Create your own customized interval training programs and use in your training sessions. Follow up the ongoing progress in each interval, also checking your speed during that training session. If you have a POLAR WEARLINK® + TRANSMITTER WITH BLUETOOTH® device, you can also use it to check your heart rate during a training session. Got a Sony SmartWatch or a Sony Smart Wireless Headset pro? Check out WalkMate's extension for Smart Extras™, already included in this app!
LiveWare™ extension for SmartWatch
LiveWare™ extension for Smart Wireless Headset pro
LiveWare™ extension for Stereo Bluetooth Headset SBH50
Smart Connect extension for Notification API
Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2
- Technical improvements
  • 肖玮1986 2015-03-29