DroneVR+ FPV for DJI Drones

DroneVR+ FPV for DJI Drones

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DroneVR+ FPV for DJI Drones 介绍

DroneVR+ FPV for DJI Drones

With DroneVR you can take a seat in your DJI drone and fly like a bird. DroneVR connects to your DJI drone and renders the live video stream in stereo with lens distortion correction so that it can be viewed with a virtual reality headset for your phone.Note: DroneVR supports the DJI Phantom 3 Standard, Advanced and Pro, the Phantom 4 and the Inspire 1. For unlimited use the support for a drone needs to be unlocked via an In-App purchase. In addition DroneVR offers a time limited trial mode so that you can test how it works with your drone and phone. Support for the Phantom 2 Vision+ is available as a separate app 'DroneVR - Phantom 2 Vision+' for for free. DroneVR's features:==============* Beautiful and configurable head-up display to show telemetry information such heading, speed, height, pitch and battery status blended into the live camera view.* Head-tracking allows you to controls the orientation of your camera in realtime by moving your head ! For DJI Phantom Series head tracking is supported for camera pitch. With the DJI Inspire 1 head tracking across all three axis is supported.* Advanced lens distortion correction algorithms ensure highest quality and low latency video rendering.* Hardware accelerated video decoding provides best image quality and low battery consumption.* High definition video quality of 720p and 30 frames / second with Phantom 3 / Inspire 1.* Picture size and position and be adjustable to work with almost any virtual reality headset.Important notes:============* To use DroneVR you need one of the above listed DJI drones.* To use DroneVR in stereo mode you need a virtual reality headset where you can mount your phone (e.g. FreeFly VR, Zeiss VR One or a Google Cardboard). A phone with a high resolution screen and a screen size of at least 4.7 is recommended.

来自应用汇: DroneVR+ FPV for DJI Drones //www.stclairws.com/app/com.appologics.dronevr?from=spi-desc

DroneVR+ FPV for DJI Drones 版本更新

* Upgrade to Android 10 and DJI SDK 4.11

* New HUD Menu for Mavic 2, Pro, Air, Spark and Phantom 4 Pro (activate via 5D/Pause/FN Button)

* Full control over all settings during flight incl. special photo modes such as panorama

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