Super Hero VS Robot Battle

Super Hero VS Robot Battle

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Super Hero VS Robot Battle 介绍

Super Hero VS Robot Battle

Amazing Super Hero VS Robot Battle in city for the peace. Superhero vs Robot Battle is a special design for robot and superhero game fan who love superhero and robot fighting.Play with Iron hero, spider hero or Mr. Hero to save the city from robots.Robots are destroying the city and killing people but Super Heroes have to save the city from these machines. We design the incredible weapon system what is advanced to graphic and power very detail.If you are thinking about a robot fighting or superheroes fighting mobile game then this is exactly what you need.The majestic battle for Earth has started! This is a new phase of robots. Robot army has attacked modern city and this war is entirely different from the previous games. Suddenly mortality has discovered that they are not alone in this Galaxy. But who are they, these aliens’ robots far away from Universe? And why have they come? Find out answers to all questions!STORY This game is started with wonderful story; peoples are living happy and enjoy their beautiful life in the modern city. Suddenly Robots aliens attacked the modern city and destroy the whole city with the help of dangerous powers and weapons. Dangerous robots are tried to rule in the city and kill all the civilians. Suddenly Spider hero, superhero and iron hero as defender are coming and save the city and civilians from the dangerous robot. Angry robots and superhero are fighting with each other with the help of super powers and amazing weapons. Super hero save the common people and finish the alien’s robots from the modern city.SUPER HERO VS ROBOT BATTLE FEATURES:• Strange spider, superhero and iron hero as savior and save the city• Dangerous robots are enemies• Incredible 3d graphics and realistic sound effects• War and dangerous environment• Amazing and exciting gameplay• Entertaining and thrilling atmosphereFight for civilization whatever it takes! There are many thrilling and exciting missions are waiting. Your competitors have come to payback and destroy everything around. Save the civilians and modern city from the mad and angry robots. Clean the city and varnish all the aliens with the help of super powers and skills. Complete all quests and missions to win this war.Save the world from mech robots and fight as a Hero till your last breath.

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