Morning Yoga

Morning Yoga

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Morning Yoga

★ A PRO plugin of Daily Yoga which does NOT OPEN on its ownThis is a PRO plugin of Daily Yoga and requires subscription fee to unlock. Please install the main app 'Daily Yoga' before using this plugin:Store link:★ Introduction★ Outcomes:- Rapidly sobers you up from sleep.- Stretches out muscles; makes you energized.- Clears your mind; helps you focus and relax.- Summons all the energy you need for work.- Boosts your blood circulation; regulates your sleep-cycle.You probably consider it a worthless rush to do yoga in the morning. But, once you try to set your alarm 15 minutes earlier, morning yoga routine will turn your day much more productive, positive and energized. In fact, morning has been proven to be one of the most optimal time for yoga. After a night’s sleep, we need a routine exercise to awaken our stiff body and blurred mind. What else, fresh air and balanced breathing can wake up the brain much healthier than a cup of coffee. Morning yoga contains three parts: Mantra Meditation, Sun Salutation, and mild stretches for refreshment. To begin with, you will hear a piece of soothing music for the meditation. Then, slowly stretch your body with a series of traditional Sun-Salutation. And some refreshing postures will put morning yoga to a perfect end. Tips for preparation: 1. Open your window; let fresh air fill up your room.2. In advance, drink some warm water to help detoxing.3. Don’t eat breakfast before doing morning yoga.Wake up and let Morning Yoga help you embrace the day in full vigor. A 8/15-minute-practice will make all the difference you could never expect!

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