Wall of Fame - Just Another Wallpaper App

Wall of Fame - Just Another Wallpaper App

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Wall of Fame - Just Another Wallpaper App 介绍

Wall of Fame - Just Another Wallpaper App

Welcome to Wall of Fame - Just another wallpaper appA wallpaper app for android smartphone. Offers good wallpapers for phones.(This is a wallpaper app. It means it need internet connection to get the wallpapers from online. High quality wallpapers always take more space also it might load slow if you have poor internet connection. But it's optimized to give you faster loading rest depends on your device and internet connection.)Features:-Anime Wallpaper-Dope Wallpaper-Material Wallpaper-Landscapes -Artworks etcThe app is free. I don't make any money from it. All the wallpapers used here are made by their respected artists. All the credits belongs to them. Nothing used for any commercial purposes. So no copyright were violated.Material Design dashboard.Cloud based (only) wallpapers.Wallpapers can be applied, cropped or downloaded.Wallpapers include a full-screen viewer with zooming capabilities.Option to change the columns amount in wallpapers section.Settings section with these options:Option to change app theme (Light, Dark, ).For some high sized wallpaper might take time to load because of the size . It always depends on your internet connection. Fast speed means faster loading.

来自应用汇: Wall of Fame - Just Another Wallpaper App //www.stclairws.com/app/com.nerowhite.walloffame?from=spi-desc

Wall of Fame - Just Another Wallpaper App 版本更新

Thumbnail Loads Faster

Minor Bug fixes

Wall of Fame - Just Another Wallpaper App 类似软件

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