Recovery UCCW skin

Recovery UCCW skin

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Recovery UCCW skin 介绍

Recovery UCCW skin

Before starting to enjoy this theme for UCCW, please read carefully requirements and how to.
UCCW (Ultimate Custom Clock Widget) app aviable for free on Play Store:
Recommended, using a Launcher app like Nova or Apex can give you more flexibility with placing and resizing widgets on the homescreen.
1. Run the installer (only 4.1.2 or higher users).
2. Add a 4X2 UCCW widget to your homescreen.
3. The UCCW themes list will pops up.
4. Choose a Recovery theme.
5. Edit hotspot to assign your favourite app.
This is a set of 2 skin made by the main Android Recovery widget that can be used to launch our favourite recovery app, like Clockworkmod for example, and one text widget showing date, weather and next calendar event in pure recovery stile.
Wallpaper can be found here:
Weather units, location and refresh rate can be edited through UCCW settings.
Hotspot mode can be turned on/off through UCCW Settings.
Some Android 4.1.2 or higer users may have some troubles viewing it in theme list, please contact us for support before giving a bad review, thank you.
For any suggestions or bugs report you can write a review or an email, we'll get in contact as soon as possible.

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用户对 Recovery UCCW skin 的评论

  • 一竿烟雨 2015-08-17


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