Fat to Fit Princess Fitness

Fat to Fit Princess Fitness

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Fat to Fit Princess Fitness

There is some great news coming for you, but it is also bad news for this princess. The famous party that is thrown in her kingdom every year on a particular date is moved earlier. Like it or not, the princess is in the worst condition ever because of the holidays she got fat and she urgently needs to suit her special dress for this event. You are assigned to be her personal trainer that will help her to gain the desired weight and aspect in a very short time. In this dress up game, you will be a fashion designer as much as a gym trainer. Put her to work and make sure she accomplish all the exercises you've recommended to her in order to lose weight as soon as possible. Follow the given instructions and try to do all the types of movements in the right order and using the proper procedure for each device aside. Once in a while, you will offer a pause to hydrate and to erase the sweat. Go through the whole circuit and get all the things done. When all the required calories are burned you can move to the designing part where you should use your creativity for nice outfits. Put on a dress that will help this princess stand out her silhouette now that she work so hard to have it. Add a pair of matching shoes, maybe some shiny accessories and don't forget to arrange the final touches. Now the princess is ready to have fun and hope you had too when you help her out with this issue in this fat to fit challenge.You should definitely look at the features presented in this game: - Interesting devices to use and new things to adapt to- Being a fashion designer for a royalty- Helping out a princess in need- Understanding the need of a healthy lifestyle- Learning how to accomplish the given tasks- Have fun playing interactive activities with a princess- Becoming a personal trainer for a nice girl- Discovering new types of exercises and try it yourself- Free and easy gameplay- Cheerful background sounds and cool graphics

来自应用汇: Fat to Fit Princess Fitness //www.stclairws.com/app/air.com.bmapps.fattofitprincessfitness?from=spi-desc

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