Hidden Scenes Beautiful Orient

Hidden Scenes Beautiful Orient

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Hidden Scenes Beautiful Orient 介绍

Hidden Scenes Beautiful Orient

Hidden Scenes is a game similar to a jigsaw puzzle where you swap and flip the pieces to reveal the hidden scene. When all pieces are flipped / swapped into their correct location, you win!Our new Hidden Scenes game celebrates the Beautiful Orient! Featuring tranquil scenes, relaxing music, and lots of gameplay choices!Five different modes of play:SWAP - swap the pieces into their correct spot, easy and relaxingFLIP - swap and flip the pieces into their correct spot, a little more challengingROTATE - swap and ROTATE the pieces into their correct spot! Can be very challenging!RADIAL - swap pieces of a circular puzzle, very unique!CHALLENGE - Play through exciting fast paced timed and move counting games! Are you fast enough to make it through all 50??Get bonus power-ups during gameplay! 500 coins - make correct matches in a row 500 coins - quickly match three in a row 500 coins - complete the puzzle without using the preview button 1000 coins - complete the entire puzzle without making any mistakes!Download this dynamic jigsaw puzzle now and join in on the fun! Uncover the beautiful hidden scenes and treasures this app has to offer!

来自应用汇: Hidden Scenes Beautiful Orient //www.stclairws.com/app/air.com.differencegames.hiddenscenes.orientfree?from=spi-desc

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Difference Games LLC

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  • 客服邮箱:hello@appchina.com
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家反馈Q群:581499375

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