Games for Girls Morning Ritual

Games for Girls Morning Ritual

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Games for Girls Morning Ritual 介绍

Games for Girls Morning Ritual

There may be a lot of games for girls on the web but this one includes them all! Amazing makeover game with tons of options and tools!5 incredibly beautiful stages!- Steam bath with roses and massage- Hair wash, hair dry- Facial spa- Make up - Dress upGirls must learn how to take care of their body and perform a full spa makeover and facial make up. This skills comes either with skill or lots of beautiful games for girls played in the comfort of your home! You can take care of this beautiful girl following her morning makeover ritual. She takes a bath with roses to freshen up her skin, then she washes her hair gently taking care of every strand. A moisturizing facial mask is applied to make the make up look soft and natural on her skin and then the makeover girls session can actually begin!Select from plenty of blushes, lipsticks and eye shades, put on some fake eyelashes for a wow look and do it all while keeping your outfit in mind so you can blend them perfectly! The dress up part offers beautiful, elegant dresses to be wear at a prom or a fancy party. To dress up in her princess bedroom might be a deep wish for many girls, you can now experience that along with our doll.Play our games for girls, rate them, leave us a comment and have tons of pink girls fun!

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Games for Girls Morning Ritual 版本更新

- New mGirly splash screen- Added Exit button so you can quit Games for Girls - Morning Ritual from in game.

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