Mermaid mommy and baby care

Mermaid mommy and baby care

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Mermaid mommy and baby care 介绍

Mermaid mommy and baby care

Into the deep ocean you will find the most beautiful mommy you have ever seen. It seems that she is pregnant and she needs to give a birth to a newborn baby mermaid!To have a healthy birth she needs for your help because now she is at the ocean hospital where you need to give her the medicine, consult her baby, take her pulse and more other doctor things which will help her!After the baby is borned you need to take care him and clean up him from the ocean mud using the sea horse. The sea horse is very hungry and he likes a lot the seamud so don't hesitate and clean up the baby.After the baby skin is clean, you can prepare the food and you can also make him with skin powder to make his mermaid tail more shiny.The most expected part from this game is the dress up part because here you can make the baby look like a real sea soldier who protects the ocean.You will have a lot of sea soldier armors but some of them are blocked, because you need to earn some coins to unblock them! That is why we are offering to you other two mini games where you can collect unlimited coins.

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