DNS Lookup and IP info

DNS Lookup and IP info

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DNS Lookup and IP info 介绍

DNS Lookup and IP info

Free and easy to use DNS lookup and IP information application. Using this very lightweight application, you can easily check if the desired DNS record exists and on what IP address it is registered to. Also you can get advanced information about IP address such as Country Name, Country Code, Region Name, Region Code, City, ZipCode of the City and also Latitude - Longitude.After detecting the IP information of desired DNS you can also see the registered location of IP address on Goofle Map.This application uses the powerful database of ipinfodb.com (http://ipinfodb.com/) to find and store advanced information about the domain name you are searching for. The basic information about the DNS such as IP address it is registered on will be saved to your Android device, so you can find that information later even without Internet connection.There is an ability to browse the DNS directly from the application.There is also an option where you can change the parsing mode of the application - XML or JSON.The location of the IP address can be located in Google map.

来自应用汇: DNS Lookup and IP info //www.stclairws.com/app/am.andranikfinddns?from=spi-desc

DNS Lookup and IP info 版本更新

1.3.3- Bug fixes1.3.2- All the data is being kept into the database, so performance was increased a lot, and traffic usage decreased.- Auto-complete functionality is added.- The DNS is being checked 3 times before alerting that it was not found.- Application was greatly optimized. The size reduced about 2 times. The performance was increased.Information about none US countries now is more full.Google map place marks for none US countries also became more accurate.

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