InstaSave - Instagram Save

InstaSave - Instagram Save

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InstaSave - Instagram Save 介绍

InstaSave - Instagram Save

Have you lost your phone, your Instagram photos or just want to be safe and perform a backup?Did you loved that one beautiful Instagram photo and want to keep it forever?InstaSave allows you to download your Instagram photos and also the photos you liked to your device memory, allowing you to see them anytime, anywhere.Features:- Save any of your Instagram photos to your device memory- Save any of the photos you liked to your device memory- Select the photos you want to download one by one- Easily choose the folder to save the photos- Simple and straight to the point interfaceThe Pro version of InstaSave features:- Save Instagram videos- Perform a full backup with a tap- Allows the creation of a zip file containing the saved photos for compact storage and transfer.- Send your zip file to Dropbox, Email, Bluetooth, etc with a tap- No adsPlease report by mail any problem or sugestion before sending a bad rating.Please do not use this program to save photos without the permission of the respective owners. Respect the rights of the Instagram users.InstaSave uses the Instagram public API and depends on the Instagram servers. InstaSave uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol to authenticate the user.------NOTE: This app is not a virus! Some anti-virus software incorrectly marks some apps containing advertising as malware.------Did you loved that one beautiful Instagram photo and want to keep it forever?InstaSave allows you to download your Instagram photos and also the photos you liked to your device memory, allowing you to see them anytime, anywhere.Features:- Save any of your Instagram photos to your device memory- Save any of the photos you liked to your device memory- Select the photos you want to download one by one- Easily choose the folder to save the photos- Simple and straight to the point interfaceThe Pro version of InstaSave features:- Save Instagram videos- Perform a full backup with a tap- Allows the creation of a zip file containing the saved photos for compact storage and transfer.- Send your zip file to Dropbox, Email, Bluetooth, etc with a tap- No adsPlease report by mail any problem or sugestion before sending a bad rating.Please do not use this program to save photos without the permission of the respective owners. Respect the rights of the Instagram users.InstaSave uses the Instagram public API and depends on the Instagram servers. InstaSave uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol to authenticate the user.------NOTE: This app is not a virus! Some anti-virus software incorrectly marks some apps containing advertising as malware.------

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用户对 InstaSave - Instagram Save 的评论

  • 郑秀晶我愿意为你颠沛流离 2014-10-03


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