Music Pump XBMC Remote

Music Pump XBMC Remote

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Music Pump XBMC Remote 介绍

Music Pump XBMC Remote

Music Pump XBMC Remote is a remote control for xbmc. It's main purpose is to listen to your music collection and watch Movies/TV Shows

It currently supports following features and is fully compatible with XBMC Eden and XBMC Frodo:

* Music:
- Browsing your xbmc library and playlists without having to turn on the tv
- Music files on xbmc can be played through xbmc or can be streamed to your android device.
- Caching of music database for super fast access
- Filtering in every list
- Music rating support (only works with current nightly builds)
- Start playlists in party mode on xbmc

* Video:
- Browse your Movie collection and play/resume the movie and the trailer on xbmc
- Browse your TV Shows and play/resume episodes on xbmc
- Show/Hide watched videos
- Mark movies and tv shows as watched/unwatched
- Change subtitles and audio tracks

* Files:
- Browse all files (music / video / files) and play/queue single files or directories. TIP: If you want to browse your music and videos using the directories defined in xbmc (Title, Year, Actors, Directors, Studios...) open the file manager in xbmc and add two new sources "musicdb://" and "videodb://".
- Add any file or directory to the favorites for faster access

* Addons:
- Browse through your music and video addons and play items on xbmc
- Add any addon to the favorites for faster access

* Other features
- Select a video/music/picture from the file manager and play it on xbmc.
- Rescan music and video library
- Homescreen widget
- Lockscreen widget
- Headphone remote support (play/pause, next, previous). On headphone remotes with a single button, double click plays next song
- Optimized for phone and tablet layouts
- Virtual keyboard
- Works with Raspberry Pi

If you like this app and want to support further development please get the in-app unlocker. It will enable the following additional features:
- Sync/download music files (single files, albums, playlists, playqueue..).
- Music Pump can be used as simple music player to play music files stored on your android device or stream music file to xbmc similar to airplay
- Optimized tablet layout for the music section with artist / album info

Setup instructions:
In XBMC go to System -> Settings -> Network
Enable the following settings:
- Allow control of XBMC via HTTP
- Allow programs of this system to control XBMC
- Allow programs on other systems to control XBMC

In order to see your music and video files you need to enable the library function within xbmc and scan your music and video files to the library.

Common problems:
- The app currently only works with XBMC 11 "Eden" (Windows/Linux/Mac) or newer => I have not tested older versions and they will not work properly since the json-rpc interface changed.
- If you are using "nightly builds" things may not always work as expected since the json-rpc api is work in progress.
- If you cannot connect check that your firewall does not block incoming connections on port 8080 (http port) and 9090 ( for notifications)
- If music stops after playing a song tcp port 9090 is probably not reachable or used by another application
- Playlists in xbmc must be in a special folder. See

You can get the current xbmc version at

IMPORTANT: For help and bug reports visit the xbmc forum at

来自应用汇: Music Pump XBMC Remote //

Music Pump XBMC Remote 版本更新

* Discover & Random Albums

* Improved PVR section

* Many small layout improvements

* Added launcher shortcuts for PVR and local music playback

* Updated translations

* Bug fixes

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Music Pump XBMC Remote 信息







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