Swiss Phone Book

Swiss Phone Book

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Swiss Phone Book 介绍

Swiss Phone Book is the official phone book app for Switzerland.

The phonebook application helps you find private and business phone numbers and addresses in Switzerland.

It identifies your location and allows you to search in your immediate surroundings. For example you can find your way to the closest restaurant, chemist or petrol station.

To give the best possible experience we use permissions which let you make phone calls, manage your contacts, check your call history and see who is calling you. In no way we do anything malicious. Would you have any question please lets us know by sending us an email: See below our required detailed permissions.

Network communication:
We need internet connectivity. Without it the app would not work.

Services that cost you money:
If you are starting phone calls from within our app, you must pay your usual communication fees. One might call this the second most important permission of our app, after network connectivity. Without this permission, it would not be possible to directly make phone calls from an entry within the app.

Your location:
We need to know your location so that you can search around yourself. Without this permission we would not be able to tell you where is the closest business you may be interested in.

Your personal information and your account:
This is needed for you to add and merge entries to you address book's account of choice, and for looking up entries that are already stored in your address book. Without this we would not be able to do that.

Phone calls:
This gives our Android users a unique feature, which is to tell them who is calling when there is an incoming phone call from an unknown number (a number which is not stored on your address book).

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  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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