Crystal Adblock for Samsung

Crystal Adblock for Samsung

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Crystal Adblock for Samsung 介绍

Crystal Adblock for Samsung

Start blocking ads on Samsung Internet Browser! Ad blocking loads pages up to 4x faster, saves up to 50% of your data and improves your battery life! Crystal Adblock is easy to use and makes the browsing experience on your phone much more enjoyable.Note: This feature only works on the latest version of Samsung Internet that comes bundled with the Android M update. I'm waiting for Google to approve a build to prevent users without 6.0 from downloading. If you have an older version of Android, don't worry, this app will support you as Samsung rolls out their updates for older devices. Hang tight! Block all annoying ads in Samsung InternetAds will no longer clutter the small screen of your mobile device. Browse your favorite webpages without distractions from annoying banners and pop-ups. Save up to 50% of your dataAds can consume a really high percentage of your data plan. By blocking ads, Crystal Adblock helps to optimize the usage of your data for the online activities that matter to you. Load pages 4x faster & enhance battery lifeBrowsing is sped up considerably with Crystal Adblock. The duration of your device’s battery life is also rapidly improved. You're in controlChange the default setting to block all ads, malware, tracking and more!Stay safe and secureDid you know that ads can hide malware and tracking? Protect yourself from these risks by using Crystal Adblock.Get Crystal Adblock now and enjoy browsing free of distractions!Discover more at http://crystalapp.coFacebook: @_CrystalApp

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Crystal Adblock for Samsung 版本更新

• Fixed translation strings (errors)

• Minor bug fixes

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