Retro Car Traffic Racer

Retro Car Traffic Racer

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Retro Car Traffic Racer 介绍

Retro Car Traffic Racer

This racing simulator on the retro car. Here you have to conquer the traffic of the big city and prove your unique skills. Explore, search for enemies, earn money, learn the different features of the highway, take part in the big race - you're free to do what you want, but one. Since you are a special driver, you must keep your style: win only on classic cars. If this is not an obstacle for you, the simulator Retro Car Traffic Racer invites you into its world!You will enjoy a great 3d graphics, which will allow you to experience all the beauty of the city and forms that open with its highway. Complex physics allow you to feel like a real racer and experience all the features of driving classic cars. The energetic music will not get bored among the bustling traffic and adds a drive during the racing. Damage system will make to show your best skills and learn to save money. And the ability to store improvements and retro cars will allow you to express yourself as racer - stand out among the dull traffic of the big city!To become the city's famous racer you have to use all the features. First, take part in all the racing, which will meet, as additional funds, experience and reputation have never been superfluous. Secondly, practice of driving on different highways, to be prepared for the different types of road surface. Third, do not forget to explore the city, to know the secrets and workarounds: so you will be able to compensate for the lack of speed of classic cars of your preparation. Finally, watch for the state of your retro cars: drive into the garage, and improve or repair. Do not let a little failure prevent you at the crucial moment of the racing on the highway.Simulator Retro Car Traffic Racer is completely free, so that anyone can now become a unique driver, and test your strength. Are you ready to show off your skills? Ready to bear inconvenience of classic cars to get the advantages of preserving the unique style? You can surprise the audience with your skills? If yes, then go ahead, conquer the big city! The atmosphere of the racing, speed, long highway and the engine roar of classic cars are waiting for you!

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