Photo Editor Studio

Photo Editor Studio

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Photo Editor Studio 介绍

Photo Editor Studio

Photo Editor Studio is the best app to edit your photos with different tools and effects. It allows you to process your photos with an arsenal of editing tools to create amazing images. You can share your edited photos through Twitter, Facebook, Google+, email or any other application.Features:- Adjust brightness, contrast and saturation.- Apply color filters: red, blue and green.- Rotate and flip images.- Apply different types of effects: Negative effect, Gray scale image, Neon Effects, Bump Effect, Mirror effects, Light Effect, Sepia Effect, Bend Effect,Oil Paint Effect, Snow Effect, Stamp Effect, Noise Effect, Marble Effect, Emboss Effect, Engrave Effect, etc.- Different kinds of image formats are supported: JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc.Photo Editor Studio is an awesome app for processing all your images.This version is FREE, but you can buy the paid version Photo Editor Studio PRO that is a Ad-free version.Tags: photo editor studio effects processing retouching graphicsFeatures:- Adjust brightness, contrast and saturation.- Apply color filters: red, blue and green.- Rotate and flip images.- Apply different types of effects: Negative effect, Gray scale image, Neon Effects, Bump Effect, Mirror effects, Light Effect, Sepia Effect, Bend Effect,Oil Paint Effect, Snow Effect, Stamp Effect, Noise Effect, Marble Effect, Emboss Effect, Engrave Effect, etc.- Different kinds of image formats are supported: JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc.Photo Editor Studio is an awesome app for processing all your images.This version is FREE, but you can buy the paid version Photo Editor Studio PRO that is a Ad-free version.Tags: photo editor studio effects processing retouching graphics

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