Water Effect: Bright Koi Fish

Water Effect: Bright Koi Fish

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Water Effect: Bright Koi Fish 介绍

Water Effect: Bright Koi Fish

Water Effect: Bright Koi Fish. Live Wallpaper.This is wonderful interactive live wallpaper that simulates water ripple effect.You create a water's ripple effect. Just touch or tap the screen to add water drops on your home screen!Preferences screen allow you to change wallpaper settings.You can select ripple size and enable/disable accelerometer.Rendered in OpenGL 2.0, with fully interactive water that supports multitouch.Both tablets and phones are fully supported in both portrait and landscape modes!Key features: + Quality content + Based on OpenGL and native code (NDK) + Do not affect battery life time + Compatible with many smartphones and tablets + Supports almost all the screen resolutions + Regular updates + Support from developers + Do NOT contains any push notifications or icon ads! + Free!HOW TO INSTALL:Home Screen -> Long Press -> Live WallpapersWe would appreciate if you rate our wallpaper.Enjoy this lovely, free live wallpaper!

来自应用汇: Water Effect: Bright Koi Fish //www.stclairws.com/app/com.algar.watereffectbrightkoifish?from=spi-desc

Water Effect: Bright Koi Fish 版本更新

- Quality improved- Added new promo image- Added cool widget- Code optimized- Bugs fixed

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Alex Garis

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