Alice in Demonland

Alice in Demonland

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Alice in Demonland 介绍

Alice in Demonland

YOU make the choices for Alice the half demon in this twist on the Alice in Wonderland tale. You have found a full-length novel in the form of a text adventure with action, romance, an alternative universe to explore, and tons of demons to slay, of course!Delight Games has teamed up with author RaShelle Workman to create a game version of her full-length novel "Alice in DemonLand: An Alice in Wonderland Reimagining". As you read the story, you make choices for the main character (Alice). Can you survive to the end? Can you get the high score for each part? Can you unlock the nearly 70+ achievements such as the "Quick Thinker" and "Whiner" achievement?Comedy, romance, adventure--it's all here!Reading made addictive!Note: Currently, this is just volume 1 of Alice's story. What's up here now is a complete novel and RaShelle will be writing more. We plan to "gamify" this content and ship it as an update.

来自应用汇: Alice in Demonland //

Alice in Demonland 版本更新

Fixed bugs. Updated launcher icon.

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