VR Calibration for Cardboard

VR Calibration for Cardboard

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VR Calibration for Cardboard 介绍

VR Calibration for Cardboard

This app is useful both for those who do and do not have a VR headset yet. Check if your smartphone is able to run virtual reality (VR) applications if you want to purchase a VR headset. Calibrate your VR headset + smartphone pair for most comfortable VR experience.★ If you DO NOT have a VR headset:Just run this app and see if your smartphone is capable to run VR applications. Please note the FPS label on the bottom left corner of your screen - if you move the phone and see there around 60fps (60 frames per second) while image is moving correctly to match your device position then you are ready to go!★ If you DO have a VR headset:Did you ever stuck with calibration of your VR headset with your smartphone? Do you see a distorted or displaced image? Or even worse, do you feel giddy or feel that your eyes are trying to become closer/wider? You may find a lot of QR codes in the Internet for your Cardboard application setup but most of the time they do not fit well to your VR headset + smartphone pair. Now with this app you can use these QR codes as a starting point for your devices calibration. Once the code is scanned by the Cardboard app (tap the settings button at the bottom of the screen while running this application) you may inspect all the Cardboard profile parameters and adjust them on the fly without a PC.▲ Warning: all changes made with this tool are NOT saved anywhere and will NOT affect your smartphone's Cardboard profile directly. Once you are happy with the VR viewer parameters please visit the official Cardboard profile generator page (https://www.google.com/get/cardboard/viewerprofilegenerator/) to create a new VR viewer profile based on your discovered parameters.▲ Warning: many VR applications (but not all of them) are based on the Google Cardboard SDK. The present VR calibration tool helps you to achieve the best experience in these applications. You may find all supported VR applications on your smartphone by running the Cardboard application and inspecting the "My library" section.

来自应用汇: VR Calibration for Cardboard //www.stclairws.com/app/com.anrael.vrcc?from=spi-desc

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  • 访问网络
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 写入外部存储



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