Everywhere Launcher

Everywhere Launcher

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Everywhere Launcher 介绍

Everywhere Launcher

Everywhere Launcher - The new multi tasking sidebar experience.Apps, shortcuts, widgets, contacts => all this is available everywhere and only a single touch away. And all this wrapped in a material styled app.---------------------------------------------Main features---------------------------------------------→ Add an arbitrary number of apps, shortcuts, widgets or folders to a sidebar→ Add an arbitrary number of apps, shortcuts, widgets to a folder inside a sidebar→ Arbitrary number of handles (touchable regions, whose touch open a sidebar)→ Many triggers (gestures) available (slide up/down/left/right, click, double click, long press) which will open a sidebar→ Enable multiple triggers per handle (for example, you can open "all apps" sidebar if you swipe right on a handle and open "recent apps" if you slide down on the same handle)→ Sidepages with search functionality and predictive search (T9)→ Action sidebar - a trigger on a handle will DIRECTLY start an action, it can't be faster→ Action folders - click the folder to open the first entry in the folder, swipe the folder to open the folder→ Blacklist apps (you can disable this app in blacklisted apps)→ All apps/contacts and recent apps sidebars/sidepage (recent apps work in Android >=5 as well!)→ Icon packs support→ Animations→ Personalise the look & feel of the app => change colors, transparencies, sizes and much more→ Personalise allsidebars and handles at once and override the default settings per sidebar and handle---------------------------------------------Other features---------------------------------------------→ Support of Palette Colors extracted from your current wallpaper→ long press an icon in a sidebar to open a menu and show the app settings for example→ style icons in sidebar => rename, change icons→ different folder styles: stack, tile, action folder...→ and many more... just try it out---------------------------------------------Info---------------------------------------------MORE FEATRUES WILL COME! Like following:→ freely position items on sidepages and add widgets directly to sidepages&arr; better folder style on sidepages&arr; even more fancy animations→ ...---------------------------------------------Help---------------------------------------------Check out the homepage http://www.michaelflisar.com/everywhere-launcher/ or contact me for detailed instructions: mflisar.development@gmail.com---------------------------------------------Feedback---------------------------------------------This is a beta release. Any feedback, suggestions and improvements are welcome. Don't hesitate to contact me.---------------------------------------------Special permissions---------------------------------------------  GET_TASKS... to get recent tasks on Android <5... doesn't do anything on android >=5  CALL_PHONE... needed so that call shortcuts to your phone app work  READ_CONTACTS... needed to include contacts in sidebar/sidepage

来自应用汇: Everywhere Launcher //www.stclairws.com/app/com.appindustry.everywherelauncher?from=spi-desc

Everywhere Launcher 版本更新

* Handle devices without browser gracefully - trying to open a link won't crash the app

* Brightness action: added mode to handle the non linear brightness on android 9+

* Added japanese translation

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Everywhere Launcher 信息







Michael Flisar

  • 客服邮箱:hello@appchina.com
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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