Ezo Explorer - Lite version

Ezo Explorer - Lite version

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Ezo Explorer - Lite version 介绍

Ezo Explorer - Lite version

Ezo Explorer is top notching android file manager leads on play store!
Rated one of best resource management tools on Android market. Do not forget to give us good review as it will help us to grow bigger and bigger ,
Ezo Explorer (Lite) is a free with limited and (pro) with full-featured file and application manager and provide access to all functions. That works with gestures controls.
It functions as all of these apps in one: file manager, application manager, gesture library, ROOT explorer
a) File Manager
b) Process Manager
c) Application manager
d) Backup Manager
e) Root Explorer
f) Gesture Library
g) Information / Properties View
h) Create New Folders
i) Create New Text Files
j) Multi Select Option
k) Copy
l) Cut
m) Paste
n) Delete
o) Share & Send
p) Compress (Zip)
q) Extract
r) E-mail
s) Refresh
t) Change to Grid View
It provides access to pictures, music, video, documents, and other files on both your Android devices and your computers.
Ezo Explorer allows Android users, no matter where they are, to manage their resources for free. You can see and access all of your files from your mobile/tablet device and share them with others.
Ezo Explorer 1.9 currently supports 35+ languages:
English, Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
This standard version is for Android OS 2.3.3, Android OS 2.3.4, Android OS 2.3.6,Android OS 2.3.7, Android OS 3.1, Android OS 3.2, Android OS 4.0, Android OS 4.0.3,Android OS 4.0.4, Android OS 4.1.x, Android OS 4.2.x.
You can download older versions from our official website.
Features List:
* File Manager – Manage your files like you do on your desktop or laptop using Multiple Select, Cut/Copy/Paste, Move, Create, Delete, Rename, Search, Share, Send, Hide, Create Shortcut, and Bookmark; operations can be performed on local files (on your Android device) or remotely (on your computer)
* Process Manage – stop running processes to boom up mobile speed.
* Application Manager – categorize, uninstall, backup, and create shortcuts to your apps
* Backup Manager – Manage and restore backups
* Built-in ZIP and RAR support allows you to compress and decompress ZIP files, unpack RAR files, and create encrypted (AES 256 bit) ZIP files
* Built-in viewers and players for various file types, including photos, music, and videos; supports third-party applications, such as Documents To Go, for opening others
* Gesture Library – allow you to create gesture to access any folder. Just open Ezo Explorer and draw relevant Gesture and its path will be opened.
* Shows thumbnails for APKs and images
* Text viewers and editors
* Root Explorer -- the ultimate set of file management tools for root users. Provides access to the entire file system and all data directories, and allows the user to change permissions.
* More features included, and many more to come
We’re working to create the best file manager on Android Market, so please do not hesitate to CONTACT US with your comments, suggestions, or any issues you may have.

来自应用汇: Ezo Explorer - Lite version //www.stclairws.com/app/com.appliconic.ezoExplorer.lite?from=spi-desc

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Ezo Explorer - Lite version 信息






  • 获取网络状态
  • 访问网络
  • 读取电话状态
  • 写入外部存储
  • 客服邮箱:hello@appchina.com
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  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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