Graph Draw Ad

Graph Draw Ad

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Graph Draw Ad 介绍

Graph Draw Ad

This app does not aim to be a full-featured graph drawing app. What this app provides is a quick way to visualize your series of numeric data in a line chart. This is useful when sometimes you just want a graph representation of your numeric data like say your bets statistics etc. Able to save it as an image for viewing later etc.

You can key in your numeric data one by one at Setup section by tap List to create a list. Then tap List Item to create a series of numeric data for a specified list you configured in List earlier. Or if you already keep your numeric data in a simple text file, you can use the Import section List and List Item where you select a text file from your sdcard and import into the app.

Lastly, at Process section, tap Graph to select the list and set some graph settings. Tap Draw Graph to see your line chart.

Important points to note:
- The format for the text file for import should be just one line one record separated by a newline for different records.
- If you attempt to draw the graph with hundreds of numeric data, the app will crawl. Optimal data size should be around 40-60 numbers. This app is meant to be used simply not enterprise level kind of graph drawing.

The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.

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  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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