Reversi |

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Reversi | 介绍

Reversi |

If you like to play Othello, Reversi, chess or checkers, then you will enjoy this board game with its next generation interface design and great features!• Computer AI with five levels• Display possible moves• Play Games achievements and leaderboard• HD for Retina displays• Designed for Android smartphones and tablets• Appealing UI with animations and sound effectsCOMPUTER AIYou have five computer opponents and the Champions Mode is very powerful, but it’s responding fast without making long calculations for the next move! Check out the web edition and and experience the sophisticated AI for yourself. The Android app has some additional features.APPEALING DESIGNReversi is a beautiful game, yet until now no app has done it justice. Revello brings you the game of Reversi and Othello in a clean and attractive way with a fast and enjoyable user experience. Revello is designed for Android smartphones and tablets. Play Reversi and Othello beautifully.BEGINNERS TUTORIALReversi is an easy game to learn but hard to master. All game rules are explained with samples and images on five screen pages. It’s easy to understand and will enable every beginner to play Revello right away!Revello is the strategy board game for Reversi and Othello players. It takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master.

来自应用汇: Reversi | //

Reversi | 版本更新

We fixed a nasty bug which made the app crash when starting an online game.

There was also hard work involved to shrink the app to half its size - but we promise: It stays at least double as fun! =)

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Reversi | 信息

Othello Board Game







Felix Weiss

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