selfie with rangoli

selfie with rangoli

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selfie with rangoli 介绍

selfie with rangoli

In India we celebrate our festival with peace and joy and filling our joy with colours will bring more happiness. Appwagers have decided to bring you more happiness this diwali.We are launching the selfie with rangoli app which fill more colours inside your happiness this year.With our application you can participate and win prizes which are useful for everyone needs. By participating in the application you have to submit your selfie or picture with rangoli and share it with us, using our application.We will choose the best rangoli with a picture who made that one, if you don’t know how to make rangoli then don’t worries you can still participate because you can share the rangoli in your home /office/ shop to participate. But make sure that rangoli belongs to you, we cannot select rangoli’s which belongs to someone else and you share that picture with us.By this contest we are promoting our android application called selfie with rangoli and we are willing to bring more contests in the future so we can stay in touch with each other and you can get a chance to win more exciting prizes in future.You can share upto 5 rangoli’s with us, reason behind that is we celebrate Diwali as our biggest festival and this is 5 days festival so wee want you to share 5 different different rangoli’s pictures with us and the user who sent 5 different and unique rangoli’s pictures along with person itself will won prizes. However we will announce our winner everyday starts from 28th of October 2016.Download the app now and get a chance to win exciting prices which include mobile phone, selfie sticks, power banks etc.

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