Spot it! Dobble Challenges

Spot it! Dobble Challenges

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Spot it! Dobble Challenges 介绍

Spot it! Dobble Challenges

The game officially modeled after Spot It!, the famous symbol-matching card game. In Spot It! Dobble Challenges, you will use symbol-matching to build combos with the help of your Dobble friend and his powers. Go through short, intense games to earn a maximum of points for maximum fun! Play Solo, with friends, family and worldwide in Multiplayer or Special Events!HOW TO PLAY:The game's concept is really easy to understand: there are 2 cards with symbols on each of them. Your goal is to find symbols commonly present on both cards. The quicker the better! Choose wisely the symbols you're matching and you'll build up combos, granting you even more points... Find the right balance between strategy and reflexes, and reach amazing scores!AN EXCITING JOURNEY FOR SOLO PLAYERS!In Story Mode, you join Dobbly and his friends in their adventures. You travel across very diverse environments, from a Beach to a Restaurant, where your Dobble mates always find a spot where you can prove helpful. In return, they will share their powers with you... Discover 90 levels getting ever more challenging, and see how far you can get!A MULTIPLAYER CHALLENGE!Duel your friends, battle against players worldwide! With the asynchronous multiplayer game mode, you can select any opponent and send him or her your score as a challenge! You will climb the worldwide leaderboard, with rewards related to your performance. Also, Special Events with particular rules and unique rewards will give you an opportunity to play differently!LARGE COLLECTIONS OF ITEMS TO HELP YOU ON YOUR WAY!In Spot It! Dobble Challenges, you can collect Dobble characters with unique skills and equippable powers to sharpen your strategy and multiply your game styles! Moreover, sets of symbols allow you to play in Special Events or Multiplayer with your favorite symbol collection! To sum up, the game features:• A full universe and symbols inspired by the original Spot It! card game, digitally modernized.• A both quick-paced and tactical gameplay, for intense and varied games.• An extensive Solo mode enhanced by a fun and engaging storyline. Available offline and saved the next time you log in.• Numerous exciting game variants: Classic Mode, Survival Mode, Tricks...• An asynchronous Multiplayer Mode.• A worldwide Leaderboard, updated and available in real-time.• A friendlist, with the possibility to Duel your friends to have fun together!• Special Events, popping up regularly for a very limited time, offering original gameplay and rules. Perform well enough and get unique rewards!• Your personal Collection, with your Dobble characters, powers, and symbols you strived to earn. Gotta match 'em all!• Many Achievements to accomplish, punctuating your exploration of the game.The game does NOT feature:• A boring, repetitive, already seen and well-known gameplay.• Nail varnish for your Dobble... Though we may think of that in the future.Suitable for kids.Languages available: English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian)

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