Antique Weapons Simulator

Antique Weapons Simulator

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Antique Weapons Simulator 介绍

Antique Weapons Simulator

It is time to go back into history before the modern warfare weapons were invented. Trace back the journey and the flash forward until today’s arsenal. Imagine living in that old classic Western America when owning a gun was not a crime and many guns were available at people's disposal.

Go through a world of weapons of the most unique one's such as the flintlock gun, single action revolvers, caplock guns, lever rifles and the most unfamiliar ones; the old and ancient ones, the ones that sheriff, cowboys and pirates use for their adventures. Through this game that will simulate the reality of gun shots, you will experience a different form of gaming.
When you see the visual effects of this firearms simulator, we are sure that it will become your favorite simulator app!

Antique gun simulator offers everything you should expect from such gun simulator games, and it even sets the bar to a higher level by offering realistic effects, authentic weapon mechanics and huge collection of historic guns that you didn’t know exist!

Weapons included:
- Percussion Lock Deringer pistol
- Lever Action Model 1873
- Flintlock Musket
- 1842 Flintlock Pistol
- Peacemaker
and more awaits you in game!

- Realistic Effects, Smoke, Fire, Sound, Recoil
- Authentic action
- Full HD Graphics!
- Auto-Reload 
- Vibration
- All screen supported
- Slow Motion
- Realistic 3d Bullets and shells

Get Antique Weapons Simulator now!

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Advanced Weapon Tech

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