Disney Mech-X4 Robot AR Battle

Disney Mech-X4 Robot AR Battle

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Disney Mech-X4 Robot AR Battle 介绍

Disney Mech-X4 Robot AR Battle

Disney Mech-X4 Robot AR Battle**Requires Purchase of the Mech-X4 Technopathy Robot and Mech-Link Band (sold together) to play**It's time to prepare for battle and "Mech-execute"! Based on the Disney Channel and Disney XD show Mech-X4, download the Mech-X4 Robot AR Battle app to your smart phone or tablet to utilize augmented reality along with your Mech-X4 Technopathy Robot and Mech-Link Band set to battle virtual monsters from the show! The Mech-Link band allows you to control 5 unique battle actions on the Technopathy Robot recreating Ryan’s ability to control machines with his mind. Using the app, battle the four key monsters from the show via LED light recognition from Mech-X4’s multi-color light up Visor and "X" to signify different battle modes.The Disney Mech-X4 Robot AR Battle app allows you to:> Battle virtual monsters using 5 unique actions: "Mech-execute" to power up, Right punch, Left jab, Activate defense shields and Repair mode> Fight four ferocious monsters from the show: Jaguasaur, Clawboon, Chameleo-Wasp and Harper Beast.> Level up and learn new battle techniques to defeat the monsters in a whole new way!> Earn Monster Hearts to upgrade the 4 battle modes: Agility, Weapons, Defense Shields, Repair> Defeat all the monsters to save Bay City from total destruction!

来自应用汇: Disney Mech-X4 Robot AR Battle //www.stclairws.com/app/com.bandai.mechx4?from=spi-desc

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