BMW Connected

BMW Connected

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BMW Connected 介绍

BMW Connected

This app is designed for use in the vehicle.* For this app to work, your BMW must have been produced after July 2013 and be fitted with the BMW ConnectedDrive function “BMW Apps” (either as the optional 6NR “Apps” or part of the 6AK “ConnectedDrive Services” depending on the market and model). * News and Wiki Local can also be used outside of the vehicle.

Technical considerations limit vehicle compatibility to the following smartphones for the time being: Samsung Galaxy S4 and LG Nexus 4. Compatibility with other compatible Android smartphones will be available soon. Details on vehicle and smartphone compatibility can be found at

To use the BMW Connected app in your BMW, connect your smartphone to the vehicle using the snap-in adapter or the USB port in the centre console, and follow the connect wizard’s instructions. You can now use the iDrive Controller to experience each function safely and conveniently on the display or audio system while you are driving your vehicle.
Current range of functions (other functions coming soon):
SinaWeibo & Kaixin
Stay online and view the latest status messages from the community in your vehicle. You can also send predefined texts that can access current vehicle data while you are driving.
View calendar entries in your vehicle, and call participants. You can also have the details of your appointment read out to you on the audio system.
This gives you permanent access to the latest posts in your subscribed RSS news feeds.

Audio player
This function lets you access the music library on your smartphone at any time, even when you are still using the BMW Connected app.

The application is displayed in the language configured for your vehicle.
Functions may not run properly when bandwidth is inadequate or restricted. Some functions utilise links to third party services. Their availability, scope, and user interface may therefore change. Please note the requirements for these specific providers.

The functions require a broadband link. The costs (including e.g. roaming fees) are regulated in the customer’s contract with the network operator. Please note in addition the requirements and conditions pertaining to your country.
For this reason, BMW cannot accept any warranty for the unrestricted compatibility and functionality of your mobile device when connected to your vehicle’s interface.

This app requires, for instance, the following Android permissions:
Read calendar
The calendar can then be viewed in the vehicle.
Read contacts
Participants in the calendar can then be called, and the last call posted to Kaixin/SinaWeibo
Write to memory
Data can then be saved, e.g. Kaixin/SinaWeibo user images.
The Bluetooth address can then be read out for USB audio communication with the vehicle.
Disable standby
For permanent USB communication.
Read network and WLAN status
The internet link can then be tested for its quality.
Further details can also be found in the app’s privacy declaration.

来自应用汇: BMW Connected //

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用户对 BMW Connected 的评论

  • 深蓝_377 2016-04-02


查看 BMW Connected 的全部1条评论


BMW Connected 信息


版本:1.5.0 (cn_144903_876)




  • 获取粗略位置
  • 获取精确位置
  • 获取模拟定位信息
  • 获取网络状态
  • 获取WiFi状态
  • 使用蓝牙
  • 蓝牙管理
  • 访问网络
  • 读取日程提醒
  • 读取联系人
  • 读取电话状态
  • 使用振动
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 写入外部存储
  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家反馈Q群:581499375

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