Army Prisoner Transport Ship

Army Prisoner Transport Ship

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Army Prisoner Transport Ship 介绍

Army Prisoner Transport Ship

Ever wanted to feel the thrill of transporting army prisoners to the main jail headquarter under your custody? Make it true and take all the wanted army criminals to the headquarters via different scenarios. Expanding your army criminals transport empire, after the massive success of “ARMY PRISONER TRANSPORT PLANE” now offering you all in one ARMY PRISONER TRANSPORT SHIP game, this criminal transport game is all about army criminals transport, it’s time to be the captain for army prisoners transport mission in a scenic environment in this ship driving game.Your lovable experience for the transport games has convinced us to make a different and unique jail criminals transport ship driving game to get you engaged with the ultimate fun of transporting games and well as power boat & ship driving task in our own custody.This is a confidential duty from your headquarters to you; there is a mission planed by the US army & you are the one army man to make this task fulfilled in required time. Make your army truck transport, army ships & army boat ready to get them in use for army mission. It would seem easy as you have the experience of army transport van & power boat driving many times in previous transporting game, but this time the scenarios and routes are different so this is not a simple transport task. You have been driving trucks, buses, vans and army ship driving to transport all the criminals in a secure way so there would be no way out to escape for army criminals.You might be highly trained in driving transport bus and transport van as in initial level you are going to transport all those jail criminals in army trucks, army vans and army bus. By the next step of levels, you will be facing hurdles driving army power boat, drive them carefully to the main head quarter.Clear all your army missions and obstacles of army criminal transport ship that comes on the way of your duty, and make sure the army prisoners would be transported successfully. Play on the most exciting transporting game of us army truck and jail criminal transport ship with ship driving game. Features of Army Prisoner Transport Ship: • Drive Army Transport Vehicles Like Army Truck & Army Ships for Army Criminals Transport.• Transport All the Army Prisoners with Smooth Controls.• Realistic and Amazing 3d View of Criminals Transport Plane.• Different Army Transport Vehicles for Transporting Jail Criminals.• Take The Role of One-Man Army On the Army Truck Transport, Army Boat & Transport Bus.• Multiple Army Prisoners Challenges to Complete with in Time.• Realistic Ship Driving Game.

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