Learn Spanish with busuu.com!

Learn Spanish with busuu.com!

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Learn Spanish with busuu.com! 介绍

Learn Spanish with busuu.com!

busuu.com, the leading online community for language learning, brings you the perfect app to learn Spanish on the go:

✓ Extensive vocabulary - over 3,000 words and key phrases
✓ From beginner to advanced intermediate levels (A1 - B2)
✓ Covering 150 different topics using day-to-day situations
✓ Comprehensive audio-visual learning material with photos and recordings by native speakers
✓ Sections include vocabulary, dialogues and interactive tests
✓ No internet connection required
✓ Free version includes 20 complete learning units - full content can be purchased inside the app!
✓ Learning progress can be synchronized with your profile on busuu.com, the famous online community for learning languages with over 15,000,000 users
✓ Only language learning app in the world which includes direct interaction with native speakers
✓ Submit your writing exercises and get corrected by native speakers from our community
✓ Enjoy the latest learning content
✓ Now also supports Japanese and Mandarin as interface languages
✓ New Travel Course

来自应用汇: Learn Spanish with busuu.com! //www.stclairws.com/app/com.busuu.android.es?from=spi-desc

Learn Spanish with busuu.com! 版本更新

No time to learn a language? Juggling work, studies, gym, family, friends and other hobbies?

Take the stress out of learning languages with a personalised and adaptive Study Plan that fits around your life.

Set your goals and your schedule

Generate a plan based on your availability

Work towards an estimated completion date, in small, achievable steps

Learning a language has never been simpler.

Learn Spanish with busuu.com! 类似软件

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