Railway Bridge Construction

Railway Bridge Construction

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Railway Bridge Construction 介绍

Railway Bridge Construction

Fan of Construction games? Well wait no more and play our latest game the railway bridge construction. The railway bridge construction is one the best Railway line construct and provides you with many new features and learning’s about how train tracks are constructed over bridge. This construction simulator takes you back to step zero where you learn how the bridge is constructed. First construct the bridge and then start the construction of a railway tracks.Deadline is coming soon and we have no time to waste. The national train is going to be launched this summer and it’s going to pass over Grand Canal Bypass. We have to build a bridge over the Canal and then get working on constructing the railway line. Play as a bridge builder or railway track builder or a construction worker. This is an important contract for the company so you better not mess this up. Complete the construction on time and make the company look good and bridge strong. You get to drive big and huge machines for fun. You gain knowledge about how these machines work in particular. Experience the advanced controls and tricky challenges that construction worker have to face.The goal is to Construct a bridge and then construct a Railway track. Gain real life experience of how the Railway Track is constructed. We use Heavy Machinery for this very sole purpose like Excavators, Fork-lifters, Big Cranes, Rollers, Dozers, Chip Spreaders and Pavers.First you have to operate the crane and place the large vertical pillars for the construction of bridge and then you have to place wide horizontal slopes over them to make out the basic structure of the bridge. Then you load the Truck with concrete and then take that to the bridge and unload the mass of concrete over the bridge. We place concrete over the surface of bridge so the pillar and slopes holds together and they strengthen each other. Drive the roller on the bridge and smooth the concrete you unloaded. Then you have to operate the fork lifter and pick up ladders and drop them ladder in the crane. Then you have to drive this big crane on the bridge very carefully and start placing the ladders on the bridge. Now use the fork-lifter again and place the Steel rods on the side of the bridge to complete the construction process. Enjoy Simulation of heavy machinery and have a close look on how the Heavy machinery is operated. Be careful with the machinery and do not mess around. If you do not complete your building process in time you’ll lose the game and the mission will fail. Good Luck Builder!

来自应用汇: Railway Bridge Construction //www.stclairws.com/app/com.cgs.railwaybridgeconstruction?from=spi-desc

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