Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android

Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android

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Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android 介绍

Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android

The Chaquopy SDK is the easiest way to use Python in your Android apps. It's distributed as a plugin for the standard Android build system. Download and installation is automated via Gradle, and takes only 5 minutes.

This open-source app is a demonstration of what you can build with Chaquopy. It includes:

* A REPL (read-eval-print loop) for interactive experimentation.
* An example of an Android activity written entirely in Python.
* An example of how to use a Python library in a normal Java activity.
* The SDK's complete unit test suite.

The core of Chaquopy is a lightweight but flexible Python/Java language interface, allowing you to access Java from Python or Python from Java. Freely intermix the two languages in your app, using whichever one is best for each situation. Most PyPI packages can also be automatically downloaded and built into your app.

For more details, see the Chaquopy website (, or view this app's source code on GitHub (

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Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android 历史版本

  • Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android
    Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android
    版本: 6.2.1
    大小: 25.46 M

    * Android Gradle plugin version 3.4 is now supported.

    * Update to OpenSSL 1.1.1b. This enables the BLAKE2 and SHA-3 algorithms in `hashlib`.

    * Update CA bundle to certifi 2019.3.9.

    * Implement `pkgutil.iter_modules`.

    * Build `pkg_resources` into all apps. Many packages require this but don't declare a dependency on setuptools.
  • Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android
    Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android
    版本: 6.0.0
    大小: 23.82 M

    * Target Android Studio 3.3.2.

    * Add ABI `x86_64`.
  • Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android
    Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android
    版本: 5.1.2
    大小: 18.85 M

    * Target Android Studio 3.2.1.

    * Increase target API level to 28.
  • Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android
    Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android
    版本: 5.0.0
    大小: 18.74 M

    * The ABI `arm64-v8a` is now supported.

    * Python 2 and Python 3.6.3 are no longer included. However, for existing Python 2 users, Chaquopy 4.x will continue to be maintained until the end of 2019.

    * `buildPython` must now be at least Python 3.4.

    * `minSdkVersion` must now be at least API level 16.

    * Fix various intermittent build errors involving `chaquopy_java.jar`.

    * If `pkg_resources` is installed in your app, it will now detect all pip-installed packages.
  • Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android
    Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android
    版本: 4.0.0
    大小: 13.27 M
    Demo app:
    * Target Android Studio 3.1.4.
    * Correct caption mistake.

    * Android Gradle plugin version 3.2 is now supported, and version 2.3 is no longer supported.
    * Add resource module.
    * Remove broken select.kevent/select.kqueue API.
    * Set HOME environment variable if the system hasn’t already done so.
    * Implement this allows runpy.run_module to be used.
  • Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android
    Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android
    版本: 3.3.2
    大小: 13.26 M
    Demo app:
    * No changes except for the SDK update.

    * Fix pip issues involving packages with optional native components.
    * Work around inability of Android dynamic linker on API 22 and older to load multiple modules with the same basename.
    * Fix ctypes.pythonapi and sys.abiflags, and provide partial implementation of sysconfig.get_config_vars.
    * Fix native crash in lrintf / feholdexcept / fegetenv.
    * Fix pkgutil.get_data when used with extractPackages.
  • Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android
    Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android
    版本: 3.3.0
    大小: 13.23 M
    Demo app:
    * Target Android Studio 3.1.3.

    * Add fast conversions between Python bytes/bytearray and Java byte[].
    * Make pip evaluate environment markers and data-requires-python attributes against target platform, not build platform.
    * Make pip only prioritize native wheels (not pure-Python wheels) over sdists of a newer version.
    * Fix pip issues when multiple packages provide the same directory or filename.
    * Improve pip error messages when packages attempt to build native code.

Chaquopy: Python 3 for Android 版本更新

* Android Gradle plugin version 3.5 is now supported.

* Prevent crash by limiting the console scrollback size.

* Pre-compile Python code to .pyc format by default, so it doesn’t have to be compiled on the device.

* Change data file location from cache to files directory, to prevent the user from clearing it while the app is running.

* Hide importer frames in stack traces, unless the exception originated from the importer itself.

* Fix “has no DT_SONAME” warning (#112).

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