Icon pack Free *LoveNeon*

Icon pack Free *LoveNeon*

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Icon pack Free *LoveNeon* 介绍

Icon pack Free *LoveNeon*

Cutely ♪ change in sparkling neon icon smartphone tablet to use every day
I can change the icon neon sparkling the app icon on the home screen!
App icon of popular Twitter, facebook, etc. line cutely dress-up ☆
"Other" icon, the game was more of a request
Design you image also appeared (≧ ∀ ≦)
♪ that can make a home screen icon easily while watching a convenient Before · After screen
(Free version 15 different trial possible) all 56 Type: Icon Design

* In such a smartphone Women Recommended( *´艸`) *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *..
• In icons like neon and cute, I want to Petit makeover the smartphone!
· I want to enjoy the feeling that "twinkle HAPPY" and "cute" the Sumahoraifu ☆
- I love glitter & cute & neon!

* Icon creation process *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *..
To select the design you want to install

I press the top right of the screen "Next"

To select the application you want to start

Press the top right of the screen to "placement"
※ This application is an application for which you want to create a shortcut.
It does not start app will be deleted when you delete the icon that you created.
* The latest information on Chu ☆ Chu is ♪ *. Here. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *..
· Facebook
· Twitter
* The paid version before you buy the *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *..
First of all, I recommend the purchase in the free version, after I check icon created can do.
· Please note that by the home app you are using, because there is that the icon to return to the original icon by the restart and home screen switching time.
* Comments and requests *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *.. +. *..
Opinions and requests, requests icon thank you to the following e-mail address.
Others, If you have any method of operation, rear unknown point defects regarding our application
It is very sorry to trouble you, but, please contact the email address below.
※ If you are doing a mail-in limit of the cell phone,
Please contact us from the time you can receive set the following address.
"@ Pulsewin.com"
★ tag
· Cute girl Girl girl power, pretty, shine, fashion, customize, change, glitter, neon

来自应用汇: Icon pack Free *LoveNeon* //www.stclairws.com/app/com.chuchu.icon.loveneon.free?from=spi-desc

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