Icon pack Free *Sweets*

Icon pack Free *Sweets*

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Icon pack Free *Sweets* 介绍

Icon pack Free *Sweets*

The Apria icon of a sweet change ♪ home screen is the icon of the smart phone tablet used every day changeable to lovely sweets in the style of sweets!
popular Apria icon, such as Twitter, facebook, and line, lovely gorgeous changing-clothes ☆ it can make easily, looking at a convenient Before After screen ♪
*It is a recommendation to such a smart phone woman. ( *´艸`)*.。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。
・Lovely icon of the & sweets style I would like to carry out the image change of the smart phone!
・a smart phone life "lovely"is "SWEETS& HAPPY" to enjoy in a feeling☆
・Lovely&SWEETS is loved!
*Icon creation procedure *.。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。
A design to install is chosen.

The "next" at the upper right of a screen is pushed.

The application to start is chosen.

It pushes it "arranges" at the upper right of a screen.
※This application is an application which creates shortcut.
A starting application is not deleted even if it deletes the created icon.
* The latest information on Chu*Chu is here and is ♪*. *.。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。
*Before the charged version purchase *.。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。
・ I recommend you purchase after checking whether icon creation can be performed with the free version first of all.
・ a standard home -- an application -- those who use except need to keep in mind that an icon may not be created by the home screen.
*An opinion and demand *.。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。+.* .。
Please give me an opinion and demand, and the request of an icon to the following mail address.
In addition, if there are the operation method, an unknown point, fault, etc. about this application, please ask the following mail address, very sorry to trouble you, but.
Tag _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Girl, girl power, cute, cute, SWEETS, Suite, Suites, stylish, customize, change, candy

来自应用汇: Icon pack Free *Sweets* //www.stclairws.com/app/com.chuchu.icon.sweets.free?from=spi-desc

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