CM Flashlight

CM Flashlight

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CM Flashlight 介绍

CM Flashlight

This simple and practical flashlight tool is the latest app from Cheetah Mobile that can enhance your Android life. Completely free, this super-bright flashlight opens instantly and includes a compass, SOS flashes and colored lighting for your convenience. Safety + Reliability + Variety + Free = CM Flashlight [MAIN FEATURES]1. Top Free Flashlight: Supports tons of phone models to help everyone light up the dark2. Instantly Opens: No waiting around to find your path3. Tiny Size: Small install size, and uses less than 1MB of RAM!4. SOS Button: If you find yourself lost or in danger, press this button to repeatedly flash an SOS signal and have people come save you5. Compass: Find your direction easily6. Variable Lighting: Choose your preferred color to soften the light7. Efficient Power: Won't drain your battery like other flashlights! =================== *CM Flashlight uses the camera flash on your phone as a light source, but can also use your screen brightness setting as an alternative. The camera permission is needed to use the camera flash.*Different light sources can be used depending on your needs, and you can change the color according to your environment.*While CM Flashlight is power efficient, leaving the flashlight on for a long time will drain battery! Try to use it only when needed. User feedback helps make our apps great! If you have any comments, suggestions or words you'd like to share with us, you can get in touch with us at Thanks!

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