Physics Formula

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Physics Formula

Please RATE & SHARE this App as it is free :-)Language : EnglishAll Physics formula and equations is summarized in one app.In this App we tried to consolidate all Physics Formulas and equation required for Solving numerical .It covers all the aspects of Mechanics , Thermal Physics, Electrostatics and current electricity , magnetism ,Ray Optics, Wave optics and Modern Physics. This App is Extremely Useful for the students studying in Class 11 and 12 or in Freshman Senior ,also for those who preparing for the competitive exam like JEE main , JEE Advance , BITSAT ,MHTCET , EAMCET , KCET , UPTU (UPSEE), WBJEE , VITEEE ,NEET PMT ,CBSE PMT , AIIMS , AFMC ,CPMT and all other Engineering and Medical Entrance Exam.This app is also Very useful for the teachers who teachs physics.Simple Interface : easily navigate to any topic.Beautifully Designed for Tablets Physics Formulas and equations arranged in most useful way.Great app for Quick RevisionGreat app for Solving NumericalPlease email us at "" to add any new formulas or suggestions or topics. The App covers topics - Error Measurement and Dimensional Analysis- Vectors- Motion in Straight line and Projectile- Newton's Law of Motion and Friction- Circular Motion- Work Energy and Power- Center of mass- Rotational Motion , Rigid Body Dynamics- Gravitation , Escape Velocity- Periodic Motion , Simple Harmonic Motion- Fluid Mechanics- Some Mechanical properties of matter- Kinetic theory of gases- Calorimetry and thermal expansion of solid- Thermodynamics , Isothermal and adiabatic process- Heat conduction- Wave motion- Stationary wave and Vibration in Stretched String- Interference and young double slit experiment- Beats and Doppler's effect- Reflection of Light- Lens- Snell's law and prism- Dispersion , telescope and microscope- Electric Field and Potential- Gauss law- Capacitor- Current electricity- Magnetism - Magnetic Dipole and Permanent magnet- Electromagnetic Induction- Alternating Current- Magnetic Properties of Matter and Transformer- Bohr model for hydrogen atom- Photoelectric effect and Radio Activity- Semiconductor devices- Logic gates- Communication SystemPhysics Formula - a must have app for your smartphones and tablets.The app is continuously updated with latest details and added with new topics frequently.

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