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Mermaids 介绍


Mermaids are the most fantastic and beautiful princesses of the ocean. Come in and enjoy the mermaid painting and drawing salon. In this free coloring book game for girls you find many coloring pages and pictures. You can paint all designs with different colors and you can paint their hair, clothes, makeup and tail. But you also have the option to draw your own drawing or work with stamps and stickers. Also included are designs of fish and dolphins.When you're done and have made a nice picture you can easily store your design to use as wallpaper or share it with friends or family. We have a coloring book full of free pages of mermaids in many different themes which you can paint and draw:- Mermaids in beautiful dresses with long tails and hair.- Playing with other animals like fish, seahorses and dolphins.- In love which kiss with merman. - Looking for treasures while diving under the sea.- A little mermaid excitement with scary sea creatures.If you or your daughter likes little mermaids she will also enjoy coloring and painting the models in this app. And with all the colors you can chose from you can also makeover and color the makeup, tails and hair of these beautiful girls. Can you make them look like a real mermaid?Or take a look at our other games with lovely designs for kids, babies and toddlers. Drawing, painting, dress-up and makeover games to make beautiful pictures and stimulate the creativity of your son or daughter. We have lots of free painting and drawing games for boys and for girls.All mermaid coloring pages are copyright protected by 2 Monkeys

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New Coloring Pages added

Color gradients added

Improved text tool

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Coloring Games

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