Capture App

Capture App

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Capture App 介绍

Capture App

Capture is a secure and trusted online storage service for photos and other files offered by Telenor and Telenor Comoyo.Capture offers manual and automatic uploads of images taken with your device.Choose between a timeline gallery of your photos and a file browser to navigate your content.Do you need access to your document, spreadsheets or presentations on your Android device? Capture synchronises files with your computer and makes these available on your phone.Install Capture on all your other devices to seamlessly synchronise your content and make everything available, no matter where you are. Capture is available on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and in a web browser.Capture offers manual and automatic uploads of images taken with your device.Choose between a timeline gallery of your photos and a file browser to navigate your content.Do you need access to your document, spreadsheets or presentations on your Android device? Capture synchronises files with your computer and makes these available on your phone.Install Capture on all your other devices to seamlessly synchronise your content and make everything available, no matter where you are. Capture is available on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and in a web browser.

来自应用汇: Capture App //

Capture App 版本更新

• More fool proof login flow with pin

• Bug fixes and performance improvements

Capture App 类似软件

用户对 Capture App 的评论

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Capture App 信息







Telenor Capture

  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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