Meat Factory Cooking Chef - Game for kids

Meat Factory Cooking Chef - Game for kids

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Meat Factory Cooking Chef - Game for kids 介绍

Meat Factory Cooking Chef - Game for kids

It’s mutton time.World is waiting for grilled mutton, hot meatloaf and yummy steaks so get ready with your mutton recipes for the real world meat cooking game and factory simulation. Have you ever thought how to make meat in the mutton factory? Or have your ever visited any slaughterhouse where you have seen mutton cutting process with your eyes? If yes, BRAVO! If no, don’t need to hesitate as the meat game will teach you how to make cuts of meat. But stop! All vegan and vegetarians are warned to not enter in the butcher shop as they can’t bear meat maker process with sharp knives.Let’s start meat factory maker process with cattle farms and collect healthy goats for meat. Cattle farming is a crazy fun adventure for the little chef and kitchen master. Pick the goats in the delivery truck and take it to crazy chef’s meat factory. Slaughter the goats in the factory’s slaughterhouse. First of all check the machinery and tools whether they are working in the sound conditions or not. after slaughtering, remove hairs and skin of goat and dip it into hot water to remove extra hairs and blood. Clean and wash the meat properly to remove blood otherwise it’ll harm the taste of steaks and grilling mutton. Make cuts of meat through the sharp knives of cutting machines. Make batter with mixing tasty ingredients such as soy sauce, vinegar, salt etc. to enhance its taste and to make it crispy.It’s meat cooking time. Cook yummy ribs and go through the steak maker process in the cooking meat game under the supervision of head chef. Make bread crumbs in the kitchen and dip mutton in it to crunchy, crispy mutton cooking. Once you have done with the dipping, fry it on the grill but take care of meat cooking temperature as you may burn it or it may remain uncooked. Adjust meat cooking timer like a star chef and cooking mouth watering mutton to satisfy your cooking mania.Start your kitchen story from slaughterhouse and end it on the hot grilled mutton. Finish mutton delivery process by loading packets on the delivery truck and send it to the supermarket, bakery shop, and fast food restaurant. In this way, go through your kitchen fever in the real world meat food game.

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