Sweet Pancake Maker - Breakfast Food Cooking Game

Sweet Pancake Maker - Breakfast Food Cooking Game

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Sweet Pancake Maker - Breakfast Food Cooking Game 介绍

Sweet Pancake Maker - Breakfast Food Cooking Game

Do you like to eat Pancakes in breakfast? Do you like to cook it by yourself? So be ready for cooking your own delicious pancakes in Sweet Pancake Maker cooking game.

In this game you'll cook delicious pancake which is always favorites for all age people. Make attractive colorful and sweet pancake to satisfy your hunger. To start cooking pancake, first you need some ingredients like flour, sugar, butter, baking soda, milk and egg. Mix all ingredients and bake it in oven, make sure it does not burn while baking! Once it's ready then decorate is with huge collection of sprinkles, frostings, toppings and many other decorative items. There is lots of fun by making pancakes and it's all free to play.

Features of Sweet Pancake Maker:

- Easy to play for all age people
- Special delicious breakfast dessert
- Real cooking experience in kitchen
- Learn how to bake pancakes
- Interactive graphics and sound
- Lots of ingredients to mix
- Sweet side dishes and tons of decorative items
- Perfect fun kids cooking game for free
- Take snapshot of your yummy pancake and share with your friends
- Awesome sweet pancake games for kids

Download now this FREE cooking game and enjoy the cooking of Sweet Pancakes!!


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来自应用汇: Sweet Pancake Maker - Breakfast Food Cooking Game //www.stclairws.com/app/com.crazyplex.sweetpancakemaker?from=spi-desc

Sweet Pancake Maker - Breakfast Food Cooking Game 版本更新

- V1.2.2

* Crash Issue Resolved

* Minor Bugs Fixed

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