Rescue Robots Block Heroes

Rescue Robots Block Heroes

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Rescue Robots Block Heroes 介绍

Rescue Robots Block Heroes

Rescue Robots Block Heroes is a pixel-style first person shooting game where you complete intense missions and annihilate enemies as you navigate vast and fearsome terrains.One of the most interesting first person shooter games. You will eradicate foes and challenging missions as you proceed. In this game, you will get hands on ultimate fighting turmoil. Be ready to get indulge in a cosmos of fierce foes with high intellect and massive destruction. You have to strike at a faster rate for killing your enemies. Your aim in the game is to eradicate every enemy that comes in your way. Some of the enemies will attack you upfront whereas some are hidden and looking forward to a chance to attack you. At each and every level, you will have a certain number of enemies and it is a prerequisite to destroy all of them for moving to the next level. The first level of the game is highly challenging and you have a limited time for killing them. A specific time interval is conferred to you which enables to win a permanent weapon with high power. You can also gather useful perks and massive power backups throughout the game. There are 6 advanced levels in the game. The game tends to become more exciting at each level.Features of the game:• You can select from a wide collection of deadly weapons or Blocky Melee.• You can compile health pickups and ammo for fighting the deadly enemies.• You can earn health pickups by watching short video clips.• You will be preparing yourself for intense war as you cross each level.• Unified game timers that come with the rewards of permanent weapons.• Precision aiming that helps you shoot at your foes in the most accurate way.• Modified screen settings that ease the battles.• Loading Screen Game Tips.• Entity map that helps you keep a notice on the upcoming enemies.

来自应用汇: Rescue Robots Block Heroes //

Rescue Robots Block Heroes 版本更新

New User InterfaceImproved ControlsImproved Radar now show enemies on different floorsLeaderboardsDaily RewardsWeapon StoreImproved Weapon Pick-upsTutorialSeveral Bug and Balance Fixes

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Rescue Robots Block Heroes 信息






  • 获取网络状态
  • 获取WiFi状态
  • 访问网络
  • 读取电话状态
  • 使用振动
  • 写入外部存储
  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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