Ultimate Alexa - The Amazon Voice Assistant

Ultimate Alexa - The Amazon Voice Assistant

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Ultimate Alexa - The Amazon Voice Assistant 介绍

Ultimate Alexa - The Amazon Voice Assistant

Ultimate Alexa is a full-featured voice assistant that uses the Amazon Alexa voice service, and is the first app on Google Play to support Alexa’s Display Card technology – like the Echo Show. Hear and see weather forecasts, to-do and shopping lists, news headlines, Wikipedia entries, and much more.Wake up Alexa by either saying the “Alexa” wake word, or tapping on the big button. You can also activate Alexa from your notification area or the resizable widget.Support is included for every Alexa feature Amazon allows, including:• Reminders, timers, and alarms.• Repeating alarms. For example, you can have Alexa wake you up every morning.• Calendar entries. Hear and see your calendar items.• Kindle book playback.• Smart home device control.• Access to local information: businesses, restaurants, movies, phone numbers, and more.• News, weather, sports, and traffic.• Fun and games.• General information: Wikipedia entries, math, unit conversions, and more.• To-do and shopping lists. See the list on-screen and have it read out to you.• Shopping on Amazon.• Access to thousands of third party skills.• And much more!Music Playback: Due to restrictions imposed by Amazon, music playback through voice commands is limited to 3rd party skills that support music. Voice commands cannot be used to play music from Amazon, and popular services such as Pandora and Spotify. However, you can launch music by opening Amazon’s Alexa app or visiting alexa.amazon.com and choosing something for Ultimate Alexa to play.

来自应用汇: Ultimate Alexa - The Amazon Voice Assistant //www.stclairws.com/app/com.customsolutions.android.alexa?from=spi-desc

Ultimate Alexa - The Amazon Voice Assistant 版本更新

You can now play music and audio files stored on your phone or tablet. To set this up, choose the option to enable this feature from the app's menu and follow the on-screen instructions.

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〖学习〗第一波,语音篇 (主要英语)
〖学习〗第一波,语音篇 (主要英语)

〖学习〗第一波,语音篇 (主要英语)


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